Monday, November 29, 2010

PS3 Trinity Zill O'll Zero - New Japanese Import

From the Publisher
A king will die at the hands of his own offspring...
 Reads the prophecy of Chancellor Zofor
 King Balor fears this most of all...

Brought together by fate, the three adventurers in your party must work together to explore Biascion fields, dungeons and towns, collect items, survive encounters with mythological beasts and ultimately defeat the evil King Balor. Players will use a unique team-based system to switch between each of the three characters - a warrior, a wizard and an assassin - on the fly and unleash combo attacks that use both magic and physical attacks to defeat the countless creatures and towering minions of King Balor.

 Game Features
 • High Adventure: Brought together by fate, the three adventurers in your party must work together to explore Vyashion’s fields, dungeons and towns, collect items, survive encounters with mythological beasts and ultimately defeat the evil King Balor.

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