Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NDS Uchi No 3-Shimai No Karaoke Uta-Gassen - Import Preorder

NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» The latest Uchi No 3-Shimai game on the NDS (Yes, there have been previous releases) pushes the three round-eyed sisters of the animated series onto the karaoke stage. Publisher Culture Brain describes the game as a "Karaoke Party Game" where players are supposed to sing into the NDS mic while attempting to maintain some semblance of normal mental health.
   The music list contains a total of 40 tracks with ample representation from the children's songs arena including "Time After Time" and the unforgettable "Bear in the Forest." Adults who have moved on from children's songs may sing to Sakamoto 冬美 "I'm in Love With You" and
Thelma Aoyama's "You're Next." The word "party" in Culture Brain's game description refers to the communication mode for multiplayer interaction. Preorders are welcome to ship on December 16, 2010 at JPY4800 of US$53.90 from NCS. 

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