Monday, July 19, 2010

NDS e-Capcom Okami-den Collector's Edition - Import Preorder

NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» Reservations are welcome for the e-Capcom exclusive version of Okami-den. The special bundle contains the following items:

» NDS Okami-den Chiisaki Taiyo game (Standard ver
» Okamiden Plush Keychain with soft fur which owners can pet
» Okamiden Music Collection Special Arrangements Soundtrack CD
» Okami Promotional Video Collection DVD (Note: Region-2)
» Okamiden Kuninushi Illustrated Novella
» Okamiden bud-style earphones with a paw-design behind each bud

All of the goodies are packaged in an ornate box with central sigil which looks like it might hold the crown jewels. Preorders are welcome to ship on September 20, 2010 at JPY8000 or US$158.90 from NCS. Pricing reflects the doleful performance of the US dollar and special shipping/handling fees.

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James Maverick (
3453 Rardin Drive
San Mateo, CA 94403
Project Manager