Friday, February 19, 2010

GEAR Moonlight Cradle Feena Fam Earthlight T-Shirt - Preorder

NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» In the Moonlight Cradle eroge game released last year, one of the heroines is a pink-haired girl named Estel Freesia. This t-shirt from Cospa isn't about her. The shirt captures another Moonlight Cradle heroine named Feena Fam Earthlight who's a Princess of the Kingdom of Sphere which is located on the Moon. In order to become more worldly, Feena travels to Earth to learn about the natives, the customs, and the inadequacies of the humans. Cospa's t-shirt features an image of Feena in a swimsuit who's positioned in a lewd pose. Anyone who wears the shirt in public will instantly become one of the bravest and most dedicated fans of anything to ever walk to Earth. Preorders will ship in March 2010.

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