Thursday, October 15, 2009

BOOK BAYONETTA Witch of Vigrid Photo Book - Japan Preorder

NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» From what we've seen of Bayonetta, she'll never be described as a shrinking violet or a timid bookworm. She's flashy, skilled with firearms, and an extrovert but don't take our word for it. Enterbrain's going to show Bayonetta off in their upcoming Bayonetta Witch of Vigrid Photo Book which contains high-resolution images of the leather-clad heroine in various poses and action shots. We'd like to see her wearing a potato sack with a Bloody Mary in her left hand but that's just us. An interview with Bayonetta is also included in the book which should prove amusing. Preorders are welcome to next week at JPY2100 or US$33.90 from NCS.

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