Wednesday, August 12, 2009

PS3 White Knight Chronicles EX Edition - Import Preorder

NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» When we look at White Knight Chronicles, we think back to the winter of 2008 when the US dollar got decimated against the yen and the end of the financial world was nigh. Iceland had gone bankrupt and doomsayers notched it as the first domino to fall. Fear was rampant and we watched the market tumble with majestic velocity. The dollar liquidation got so bad at one point that we were paying a little over US$82 per copy of WKC at the wholesale level... before shipping costs. The dollar has since rebounded although it's still under pressure and the global financial markets probably won't implode like dancing dominos. At least in the near future.

It was with jaundiced eye that we stared at the preorder solicitation for White Knight Chronicles EX Edition this morning. Price: JPY3619. I
t felt like a cruel joke but we're not going to dwell on the past... too much. With the EX Edition, Sony's releasing a fully patched version of the game which incorporates the First Wave and Second Wave updates onto a Blu-Ray disc for players who prefer hardcopies of their hard-earned games. The official updates log may be viewed on Sony's Shirokishi website which chronicles the first wave of changes and the upcoming second wave of updates. Preorders for WKC EX Edition are welcome to ship on October 8, 2009.

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