Thursday, July 31, 2008

Steal Princess: Touzoku Oujo - New Import, In Stock

When Satan steals a boatload of treasure, someone's gotta steal it right back from the big galoot. Enter Anis, the "Steal Princess" who's brunette, not-really-royal, and light-fingered. Anise has a dominatrix-pirate vibe about her since she wields a whip and wears an eyepatch.

At the outset of the adventure, Satan's castle is shown with a purple glow emanating from it. Inside, Anis is at work, moving towards the treasure room with jumping action, a bomb, and stealth. A big boulder however forces her onto an underground river which washes her away. Although she didn't steal any treasure, she did gain a pixie companion by the name of Kukuri who appears over her like a purplish orb. Other interlopers into Satan's lair weren't so lucky. «NCS Game Notes»

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