Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mugen no Frontier: Super Robot Taisen OG Saga - Preorder

Enter the realm of Endless Frontier which is comprised of six worlds where fighters roam the land and battle it out in step-by-step action. Billed as an adventure game with a strategic fighting element, players visit the worlds of Dune Polis, Elfe Tale, Varna Kanai, and others to bout against enemy squads. Unlike the average 2D fighting game where a player controls a character directly and throws out every punch and kick, Mugen no Frontier is a more measured affair. Attacks and combos are triggered by pressing a button or button sequence which is then played out on screen ala Super Robot Wars style.
According to the preorder information from Banpresto, the company will give away a bonus Special Drama Soundtrack in 50% ratio.

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