Thursday, October 11, 2007

Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 4 - In Stock

It's been nearly a decade since the last Suchie Pai release but the girls are back for another engaging mahjong stint. The redhead named Suchie Pai S and her trademark Hissatsu Suchie Stick serves as the hostess for the game where she'll twirl, sparkle, and look fetching as the mahjong action plays out. She's on your side and will do her best to make sure the game goes your way - even going so far as destroying an opponent's winning tile to give the player another chance. De-facto artist of the Suchie Pai series Kenichi Sonoda also returns with a bevy of new illustrations and outfits for the girls to wear.

The setting of Suchie-Pai 4 is Akihabara in Tokyo and the mahjong action takes place in seven eateries located around town. There's the posh Cafe Gentry, the casual coffee shop dubbed You & Me, and the utilitarian Hell & Heaven where the MJ-playing girls work and perfect their craft. At the outset, Suchie Pai S engages the player in a practice mahjong session before the action commences. In our trial game this morning, the first opponent that appeared was Reiko with a stash of 25,000. After throwing out a few useless tiles, we spotted a good one and then another one to complete our hand and win the first game in 2 minutes flat... «G-Notes»

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