Friday, July 06, 2007

Treasure Gaust: Gaust Diver Deep Blue

Originally released as a dedicated handheld game in October 2005, Treasure Gaust makes its way onto the more capable confines of the Nintendo DS. In the game, players search a town for monsters known as "Gaust" which look similar to Pokemon or Digimon. The Gaust can be found in apartment buildings, shopping districts, and other places that one wouldn't expect a monster to be lurking. The search mechanism is a sonar with a counterclockwise sweeping arm which scans the local area and alerts the player when a monster is near. Like other monster collecting games, the Gaust may be leveled up into new and stronger forms. Unlike Pokemon or Digimon however, the battles are full-fledged action games where movement and projectile attacks are fired off in realtime. «more»

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