Monday, June 04, 2007

Tsugi No Hi Kerori Pillow

For a long time, Hello Kitty was Sanrio's bread and butter. The little kitty spawned a global phenomenon that continues to this day. However, variety is the spice of life and new characters were needed in order for Sanrio to grow and maintain the empire. Beasts such as Tarepada and Relakkuma have grown to become recognizable franchises. Add one more creature to the pile - Tsugi no Hi Kerori which translates to "Kerori (Frog) of Tomorrow."

Since the goal of creating a character is profits - that's right, profits, Kerori is yoked and forced to appear on all manner of products. For today's example, Kerori appears atop a pillow. Rest your head in the center when you sleep and rest assured that Kerori watches over you like a Guardian of the Night. Or something like that. Preorders ship in mid-late Sept 2007.

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