Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wii de Yawaraka Atama Juku

Brain games took Japan by storm a couple of years ago thanks to the pioneering efforts of Nintendo's "Nou wo Kitaeru Otona no DS Training" or "Brain Age" as it is known in the USA. As is routine when a new product finds a massive audience, clones and copycats hit the market with alarming speed. Yawaraka Atama Juku is one such clone that was originally released on the Nintendo DS where the software teased young minds with simple brain games. The Wii update is targeted at a general audience from children to teenagers to adults who can all partake of the exercises.

Upon starting the interaction, five categories are presented which test skills such as language comprehension, relative analysis, memory skills, perception, and simple arithmetic. Presented in a colorful and attractive environment, the questions should prove more enticing to young and old minds than a non-interactive book. Exercises are broken up into five main categories as mentioned above. Under the threshold of each category is a subset of four games for a total of 20 brain challenges. Up to 8 players may join in the action and individualized Miis may be used to differentiate players from each other. «more»

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