Monday, November 13, 2006

My Otome HIME aka Mai-Kinoto HIME

Travel to the Windbloom Kingdom and join the cast of My Otome in fast-paced 3D battles that take place in mid-air ala Psychic Force. However, My Otome HIME is not a true fighting game in the classic sense of the genre. When NCS thinks of fighting, we imagine a free-flowing game where punches, kicks, and guards flow in direct control from the player. Not so in My Otome where the movements of the fighters are stuttered and not free flowing although the attacks spool out in fluid succession.

For example, when poised on a battle field, the girls only have a set number of positions where they may move on screen. In a close combat situation where two opponents are face to face, there are exactly five cardinal positions to move the fighter - high, level, low, and towards the left or right to evade and strategize. Level refers to being face to face with the opponent. There is no true freedom of movement but the stutter-step action seems to work if you're the kind of fighting game fan who enjoys fast, chaotic, and constrained action. Although the fighters have limited range of movement, they can ignite attacks and special blows in quick motion and pound out HP draining combos. «NCS Game Notes»

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