Monday, December 04, 2006

SD Gundam: Scad Hammers

Positioned as an alternative retelling of the Gundam One Year War mythos, Mobile Suits have been super-deformed and their usual weapons have been taken away. Instead of the regulation issue beam saber and heavy artillery, the SD Gundam wields an almighty hammer in the shape of a spiky iron sphere which is lashed out from a variable-length chain. One-liners and gags also pepper the script for a light-hearted romp into the heart of the Gundam universe.
The Wii nunchuk controls general movement while the Wii remote is used to send the Gundam Hammer flailing at enemy soldiers and the occasional boss. The hammer may be upgraded into a Drill Hammer for piercing power or other power-ups such as a Magnetized Hammer which captures enemies and boosts it swinging power with the hostage. To throw out the hammer, lash the Wiimote outwards with a flick of the wrist. The force of your flick affects the intensity of the attack while short side-to-side moves of the Wiimote will make Gundam shake the hammer around to knock any enemy that's near your attacking bot. To rotate the hammer around to smash everyone around the Gundam, press B and rotate the entire Wiimote in a circular motion to do some serious mass damage.
«NCS Game Notes»

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