Monday, August 08, 2011

 PSP Elminage III Ankoku no Shito to Yaiyou no Kyuuden - New

NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» The spirit of Wizardry wanders the wilds of the Playstation Portable with the release of Starfish's third game in the Elminage RPG series. Wizardry was a series of first-person dungeon exploration games that originated on the Apple computer in the 80s stateside but they went on to capture the imagination of Japanese gamers as well as game developers.

   Elminage III is dungeon exploration game that allows players to create a character from 12 races including Human, Dwarf, Devilish, and Goblin. Once a hero's race is selected, his profession or class may be selected from 16 choices such as Fighter, Mage, Alchemist, Gladiator, Summoner, and Samurai. The player's party is made up of six heroes and a careful balance must be made between attackers, healers, and magic users. At the outset of the game, the fighters in your party should pack enough of a wallop to destroy enemies that are encountered in the dungeon and be able to survive assaults and counterattacks. Fighters should also be able to protect the priests and magic users from taking too much damage during encounters. In turn, the priest(s) should have the wherewithal to heal the fighters when they take damage. As the party spelunks further into the dungeon, more powerful monsters require stronger attacks from the fighters and the magic users should have been leveled up enough to be able to cast power magic spells to dispatch rampaging into oblivion. Elminage III features a special character portrait feature called "Style Load" which allows gamers to import artwork for their character images.

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