Thursday, February 24, 2011

NEWS General Updates

Nintendo 3DS
    The first batch of Japanese Nintendo 3DS units are arriving tomorrow but please note that some Japanese vendors won't be able to export their allocations of the 3DS until Friday (the official release date). Due to this slight delay, roughly 50% of our preorders for the Nintendo 3DS hardware will ship on Tuesday of next week. We'll have all of the games needed to fill our preorders by tomorrow and we'll be sitting on them all weekend waiting for the remainder of the 3DS handhelds.
Muchi Muchi Pork
Another batch of Muchi Muchi Pork & Pink Sweets is expected tomorrow to fill preorders and another batch is scheduled to arrive by the middle of next week to fill recent/new orders. All of our shipments are from the first printing of the game which includes the DLC card.
Chinatown Fair...
Isn't closing after all, at least not yet. There's a lease negotiation going on with the landlord but the establishment is still open for business at 12:30PM every day. Apparently, if the lease is not renewed, CTF will be
relocating to Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Had you taken a minute or two to do some research on the Chinatown Fair situation you would have known that in the first place instead of spreading baseless rumors. The lease situation and possible relocation were known days before your post and covered by people not even in the city! How can you call yourselves New Yorkers?
