Tuesday, September 14, 2010

PSP Monster Hunter Character Airu Pouch for PSP - Preorder

NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» Hori's Airu Pouch was released in Japan last month and it sold well. We're guessing Hori didn't expect the pouch to sell that well and they've already sold out. To make sure everyone who wants an Airu Pouch is going to get one, a new production has been announced which is expected to ship in early December.

   The Airu Pouch is shaped like a taco shell... if taco shells had ears. The countenance of a wide-eyed Airu is plastered on the front of the pouch which is powerful branding. Well, to Monster Hunter players at least. Anyone else in the general population will look at the pouch and think it's a promotional item for a cat food company. The pouch is designed to hold any version of the PSP handheld and preorders are welcome to ship in December 2010 at JPY2000 or US$25.90 from NCS. 

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