Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wii Ivy the Kiwi? - New Import, In Stock

NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» Yuji Naka's Ivy the Kiwi? debuted on the Windows Phone platform last year and Ivy hits the Nintendo DS and Wii this week. In the game, players scrawl and stretch vines on the screen in order to direct the lemming-like Kiwi into certain paths and across obstacles. Ivy isn't very bright nor is she particularly thoughtful. She just marches onwards with resolute determination in a quest to find her mama. Due to Ivy's lack of street smarts, players will have to keep an eye out for her and make she she doesn't plunge to her death, get spiked by jagged iron, or otherwise falter to the reaper. In addition to serving as conveyances, the vines may also be whipped and pulled in order to slingshot the Kiwi through walls like an orange avian cannonball.

The Windows Phone and Nintendo DS versions of the game require the use of touch-screen motions to guide Ivy around but the Wii version gives players control over a hand-shaped pointer. By using the Wii Remote to manipulate the pointer, gamers create vines, elongate them, and even stretch or swing the vines to get Ivy going on her way. The precision is about the same although we prefer the immediate response of the touchscreen and the feeling of direct control over the vines.

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