Monday, February 01, 2010

PSP Monochrome [Regular or Limited Edition] - Import Preorder

NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» When Taiki Kirioka was just a young'un, his parents were involved in an accident which left him an orphan and an amnesiac. Taiki's best friend's parents adopted him and as he comes of age, an angel named Yui is sent from heaven to help Taiki in his transition to adulthood. Borrowing the "angels in training" theme found in Kid's Tentama games, players guide Taiki through a digital novel which features static-screen artwork and voice acting to bolster the story. By reading the storyline and making choices at junctures in the game, Taiki finds love with one of his classmates at school.

In addition to the regular edition of PSP Monochrome, NCS is also accepting reservations for a limited edition which is bundled with a BGM soundtrack and an illustrations booklet which features the girls from the game. Preorders are welcome to ship on April 8, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    PPC Ad
    vrry handy, thanx a lot for this article .. This was eaxctly what I wsa looking for.
