Tuesday, December 15, 2009

TOYS Rebuild of Evangelion Bike Helmet - Import Preorder

«©NCSX» New York City is an urban jungle. Stand in the middle of Times Square at noon and marvel at the masses of humanity that walk the Earth. Bet you a silver dollar that Mother Nature never anticipated there'd be this many people shuffling their feet at any one time. Yet there they are. Along with the pedestrians, a lot of bicyclists roam the streets. Loads of bike messengers. One time, we saw a taxi cab rear-end a bicyclist which sent the rider sprawling forward with a lot of thrust. The bike was a total loss but the biker survived. His helmet didn't really help because the bicyclist didn't land on his head but he did skin his chin so that there was a big patch of bloody red gore below his lower lip. Looked like a slice of roast beef that had just been lopped off a steer. Heartwarming visuals are NCS' business.

Movic's Rebuild of Evangelion Bike Helmet probably won't save your chin if you end up skidding face-first on concrete pavement. However, it'll probably save your life there's ever a time when you're riding a bike and you suddenly find yourself landing on your head. Preorders ship in January 2010.

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