Thursday, February 26, 2009

Game Center CX: Arino no Chousenjou 2 + DVD - In Stock

«©NCSX» Japanese comedian/game player Shinya Arino is back with another collection of pseudo retro games that hearken back to the 80s when consoles were 8-bit and an RF modulator was the video connection of choice. NCS had limited time this morning to check the game out but we were able to play the first retro title Wiz-Man which is reminiscent of Pac-Man and maybe a bit of Tower of Druaga. In the game, players control a munchkin-like character which roams around a maze and chomps up red and blue colored dots. However, before those dots can be chomped, a color-matching key must be picked up. For example, to eat blue dots, the munchkin has to pick up a blue key first. While the hero is chomping, ghost-like creatures wander around the maze in a mindless manner. Their touch is lethal so it would be wise to ramble astray of the creatures. Just like Pac-Man, escape tunnels are situated on the sides of the maze for quick getaways when spooks draw near.

The limited edition of Game Center CX2 is bundled with a bonus DVD which contains some of Shinya Arino's previous televised challenges and game play for the Super Famicom versions of Ultraman and Ultra Seven which were originally released in 1991 and 1993 respectively.

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