Friday, February 27, 2009

Destiny Links - Recent Import, In Stock

«©NCSX» Eight character archetypes are selectable at the outset of Destiny Links including a gnarly pirate armed with a pistol that can fire a tri-shot and a bard who attacks with his musical instrument. After choosing and naming your protagonist, he/she takes a boat ride to the island of Ameisia where quests and missions are aplenty. Upon disembarking from the ship, the hero is shuttled immediately into a building where introductions are made and assignments are gathered.

Destiny Links is playable solo but up to four gamers may link up wirelessly to participate in a cooperative quest. Movement is handled through the D-Pad and attacks are triggered by pressing the A" and "B" buttons. Early in the game, the enemies include winged insects, rabid rabbits, and fire-breathing boars which roam the countryside.

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