Monday, December 08, 2008

Weekly Famitsu Vol. 1044 - Subscriptions Only

NCS Product Synopsis
Cover Date: December 19, 2008
«©NCSX» The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu includes coverage of the following games and/or events:
» Preview of Dissidia Final Fantasy which introduces a blonde elfin character named Shantotto and goes over the battle system.
Famitsu Crew rank Wii Tatsunoko vs Capcom (8/8/8/8), Wii Major Wii: Perfect Closer (4/4/4/3), NDS Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon (8/8/8/8), and Wii Argos no Senshi: Muscle Impact (7/6/6/6).
» A trip to America to check out the Penny Arcade Expo 2008.
» The continuing "Road to Famicom" article continues coverage on the years between 1972 and 1984. Consoles featured include the Sega SG-1000 and the Epoch TV Game Super Cassette Vision. A glimpse of the Super Famicom is also shown.
» Arcana Heart 2 article. It's scheduled for the PS2 on April 9, 2009.
» Photo spread for covergirl Akina Minami.

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