Monday, October 20, 2008

Cyber Maid Alice - New Import, In Stock

Have you ever wanted a personal maid who wears a petticoat, runs around doing nothing of consequence, and plays dress up to boot? Thanks to the folks at Geisha Tokyo, any PC owner can have access to a miniature virtual maid who resides on your desktop. Since Cyber Maid Alice is an Augmented Reality product, the maid is literally on your desktop. If you have a malicious bent, Alice can be made to cry but if you're benevolent, gifts may be given to her so she'll rejoice.

To operate Cyber Maid Alice, a PC and a webcam are required but not included. To get started, you'll have to download the necessary setup software from Geisha Tokyo's website.

The webcam is used to project an image of Alice on top of the Cyber Cube. She'll react to external stimuli provided by the Cyber Stick. For example, pouncing the Cyber Stick on her bosom will cause her to react in a convincing way. Alice can also talk, make gestures and show a range of emotions. A video of Alice's antics is viewable on Youtube. Update Oct 16, 2008: The manufacturer has posted up a new Youtube video which shows the possibilities and the outfits that Alice can wear.

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