Thursday, March 06, 2008

Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan! - New Import, In Stock

Take away the natty Yakuza suits, extinguish the neon lights of Kamurocho, and dock a few centuries to arrive in 17th century Kyoto where the latest installment of Ryu Ga Gotoku opens up. Kiryuu Kazuma reprises his role by retro-rocketing back to Edo era Japan where he works as a hired gun who tackles assignments for any client willing to pay. Kiryuu is hiding a secret identity however. He's really the legendary Miyamoto Musashi who's now living under an assumed name. One day, an orphaned girl visits Kiryuu and hires him to avenge the death of her parents with one simple request, "Please kill Miyamoto Musashi."

Sega fleshes out the world of old Kyoto with locales and structures to exacting detail for an engaging gaming experience. Players may visit soba shops in Gion District, trek to Kiyomizu Temple in eastern Kyoto, or visit the magnificent expanse that is Nijō Castle. Similar to previous games in the series, Kiryuu gets to do a lot of fighting in 3D bouts tinged with heat.

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