Friday, December 07, 2007

General Updates

PS3 Dual Shock 3
A shipment of the Japanese PS3 Dual Shock 3 controller [available in either Ceramic White or Black] arrived today and all orders are shipping this afternoon. Pricing is set at JPY5500 or US$65 from NCS but the price should drop after the holiday crush that's now upon us. Suppliers took delivery of about 3500 units of each color earlier in the week but if that bulk doesn't sell quickly, expect quicker price drops...
NDS Arkanoid DS Update
The remainder of our Arkanoid + Paddle Controller shipments didn't make it in this morning and are now scheduled to arrive tomorrow with UPS Saturday delivery. Please note that all outstanding preorders will ship on Monday since UPS doesn't pick up packages over the weekend.
Wii Wii Fit
Our shipments of Wii Fit were delayed due to a clearance issue but they'll arrive on Monday of next week. Preorders will be processed and shipped once the game arrives. Apologies for the continued delay.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

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