Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ar Tonelico II - In Stock

Embark on a new adventure where a lad named Kuroa Vatel and a lassie by the name of Cocona Vatel (not related) team up with Revatails in a bid to free their world from oppression and infection. A centuries old disease dubbed "I.P.D." still lingers and afflicts the Revatails and the general populace with its killing malaise. As a result of the spreading contagion, the governing body known as the Daishudo has commanded its knights to slay anyone infected with I.P.D. in a "take no prisoners" policy of mass extermination.

As the story begins, Kuroa Vatel is under the employ of the Daishudo and he indiscriminately kills a young woman who's infected with I.P.D. to the horror of the victim's mother. As her cries break through the air, Kuroa reflects on what he's done and begins to have misgivings about the Daishudo's tactics and ways of handling the disease. Kuroa's introspection eventually leads him on an adventure of exploration and discovery as he fights alongside Revatails to find a better solution to the I.P.D. problem. While the new storyline bears no ties to the first game, the game systems, song magic, and nocturnal "dives" return for another go. «more»

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