Monday, September 17, 2007

Elite Banana Air Bubble Keychain

American citizens have a favorite fruit over all others. It's not the apple nor the orange as one might suspect. It's the banana and the average American gobbles up 28 lbs of of the yellow fruit per annum. Maybe it's the delicious flavor or the fact that bananas mesh with ice cream that keeps it at the top of the charts.

Bananas are also a favorite in Japan and pretty much everywhere else in the world. Tangent time: humans have a tendency to humanize objects, animals, and other living things. For example, a distinctive rock might be said to possess human-like "facial" features and Woofy the 10 year old dog might be described as being like gramps - slobbery and occasionally incontinent.

Add one more human attribution victim to the list - Elite Banana
which is a sentient piece of fruit with anthropomorphic facial features who enjoys the good life. Elite Banana products sell well in Japan but are unknown in pretty much the rest of the world. NCS stocked the Elite Banana Motion Plush last week and today, we import the Elite Banana Air Bubble Keychain which features a banana encased inside a plastic air bubble. Four styles are in stock today which all look alike but each one has subtle nuances that distinguish one from the other. «Photo Gallery»

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