Monday, July 02, 2007

Metal Slug [SNK Best]

Ten years ago, an unknown contender to the Contra franchise was released on the Neo Geo and surpassed its source of inspiration. That's right, surpassed by leaps and bounds with crisp visuals, tight control, and a little vehicle known as a Metal Slug. Over the past decade, SNK rode the franchise to five canonical releases on the MVS and Neo Geo hardware. Then there were the various conversions on the Gameboy Advance, the Playstation, Saturn, and Xbox.

To mark the tenth anniversary of Metal Slug, SNK calls up four grunts named Eri, Fio, Tarma, and Marco and sends them into a 3D war zone for the first time in the game's history. As the story goes, in the year 2030, an invading army is on the march and it's up to heroic soldiers to take on the entire enemy force with guns, moxie, and fleet footed moves. Every soldier has a primary weapon in the form of a gun and a secondary weapon which may be a bomb, a rock, or other ordnance. The camera takes in the action from a behind-the-soldier view as he/she charges into battle. When attacking, it's possible center the targeting cursor on a soldier and run 'n gun around him while avoiding gunfire.

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