Monday, July 30, 2007

Densha de Go! Shinkansen [Eternal Hits]

Densha de Go! Shinkansen was originally released on September 20, 2001 and re-released under Taito's in-house "Best" label on May 30, 2002 and again under the Sony "Best" banner on October 3, 2002. Fast forward five years later and Taito gives the game another much deserved encore with an "Eternal Hits" re-release.
as bullet trains, the Shinkansen line began life in 1964 with the Tokaido express service. Even back in the day, the bullet trains hit a blistering 200km/h while modern models push the envelope further with speeds topping out at 300km/h. Renowned for their punctual and "on the dot" service commitments, the Shinkansen enjoy an excellent reputation among it's passengers.

As a newly appointed Shinkansen conductor, it's your job to maintain the level of pristine service that your riders have come to expect. Never fear if your train driving skills are a tad rusty, a training mode guides you through the rudimentary tasks and procedures to properly maneuver your train. The player may view the progress of the ride from a standard cockpit mode or from the vantage point of a camera which floats outside the train, just above the locomotive car.

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