Friday, March 09, 2007

Princess Crown [Atlus Best]

In front of a fireplace, a black cat roams around while a grandma sitting in a rocking chair decides to read a story to a young girl munchkin. Take control of the little girl, pick up the book on the floor and hand it over to 'gamma. Leave the scene alone and the cat will meow and lick its paw while pacing back and forth. Leave it alone for an hour and the kitty will pace around while grandma sits around like a stone golem.

As the story begins, a mighty blue muscled demon is seen in a hall full of dead soldiers while tufts of flames flicker briskly. Three knights arrive to beat back the creature but are quickly bounced backwards to groans. A knight and a blue-cloaked wizard remain and the magic user calls upon lightning to strike the creature. No good. More soldiers arrive but are beaten back also. The Queen decked out in armor enters the fray and splits the creature, leaving it a mass of bones. Women hold the power in Princess Crown.

Twenty five years later a new princess is crowned by the wizard to take over the reign of the kingdom. After the coronation, colored paper falls from the sky and Gradriel's assembled court is at attention. Before the actual game starts, Gradriel will have a practice fight against one of her knights. This would be a good time to practice the Princess' moves since the knight isn't particularly aggressive in his attacks and is akin to a dummy trainer who acts as a punching bag.

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