Tuesday, December 26, 2006

PS3 Railfan

A railfan is a train enthusiast who's passionate about locomotives. When taking the Amtrak in New York City, we occasionally spot railfans talking to conductors and taking photographs of the trains as they roll into the station. Taito shared this passion for trains with a line-up of Densha de Go! games and the latest in their train simulation empire is the aptly named "Railfan." Similar to the Densa de Go! games, players take the reins of a locomotive and travel through miles of track while observing the rules and policies of proper conducting.

As the virtual conductor motors through the three main lines featured in the game, crisp Blu-Ray footage of the world spools by for a mesmerizing look at what train operators actually see while operating. When pulling into a station, the commuters on the platforms walk, shuffle, talk, and do what commuters do because they're actual commuters that were captured when the Railfan team took to the tracks with their cameras and started spooling miles and miles of footage for the game.

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