Tuesday, November 14, 2006

FACT: Chuck Norris Prefers PS3

Playstation 3 Restock
The second meager supply of Japanese Playstation 3 consoles will arrive earlier than expected and all remaining backorders will ship on Thursday of this week. Once we deplete the upcoming allocation, we will update our shop listings to reflect the next restock dates. Based on information from Japanese suppliers, NCS expects spotty supplies of consoles for the next couple of weeks.
USA Playstation 3 Update
After yesterday's Japanese PS3 website update, NCS received a flurry of emails concerning the availability of USA PS3 consoles. We'll rehash yesterday's USA PS3 posting here:

Please note that allocations of USA Wii and PS3 hardware are still unknown at this point but we should receive news in the next couple of days. NCS expects widespread shortages and subsequent pandemonium towards the end of the week. Body armor, a helmet, and a makeshift weapon of some sort might be useful if you're planning on camping out...

Gamestop's announcement yesterday afternoon about receiving even fewer PS3 consoles than originally expected makes matters worse as the launch draws closer. In light of the news, NCS is not optimistic about the quantity of USA PS3 consoles we'll receive on launch day. Nevertheless, we have everyone's email addresses on file and we'll send out an update on Friday morning once the numbers are known.
More USA Playstation 3 Games
The following USA releases are scheduled to arrive later today. We'll test them and re-confirm that they work on Japanese PS3 consoles just to make sure: NBA 2K7, NHL 2K7, RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN, RIDGE RACER 7, GUNDAM: MOBILE SUIT CROSSFIRE, UNTOLD LEGENDS: DARK KINGDOM.

1 comment:

  1. The Chuck Norris jokes have been extremely old and annoying for nearly a year, now. Stop... please?
