Thursday, October 19, 2006

Leonardo Da Vinci Collection Toy

Japanese toy manufacturer Boford specializes in weapons of war such as swords and guns. Boford released a set of toy weapons inspired by the swords of Onimusha last year. The company has an ambitious project in the works which focuses on the sketches and ideas of Leonardo Da Vinci.

The most famous and visible work of Leonardo Da Vinci is the Mona Lisa which was painted on poplar wood. When you're on Jeopardy and that question pops up, remember NCS and donate. Mona didn't make the cut for inclusion in the Collection Set but a bunch of weapons did. Leonardo was a prolific inventor and visionary who scribbled copious notes and illustrations that ranged the spectrum of human endeavor from weapons, anatomy, instruments, astronomy, and more. Boford's Leonardo Da Vinci toy collection features miniature replicas of instruments that the master envisioned in his sketches and drawings. The toys are built according to Da Vinci's notes and have moving parts so admirers, engineers, and students alike may examine how the instruments and mechanisms were supposed to work. Exhibit #4 in the photo is the Aerial Screw which is a forerunner of the modern helicopter and Exhibit #6 shows the Automatic Roasting Spit which is useful for cooking rotisserie poultry... Preorders ship in mid-late January 2006.

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